Is Venerable Damu Ganlian Bodhisattva the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?
学佛答疑 2024-05-13 23:47:29 189 0
Is Venerable Damu Ganlian the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?
Actually, it's not true. We know that the legendary bodhisattvas can find their incarnations among the disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha, and this is beyond doubt. For example, the incarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is the nominal wife of Mahakasyapa, the Mahayana Bhikkhuni. The incarnation of Manjusri Bodhisattva is Venerable Sariputra, known for his wisdom, and is known as the foremost wisdom. Furthermore, the incarnation of Lianhua Sheng Dashi is the disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha, His Holiness Upali, and so on.
So of course, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can also find an incarnation among the disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha, but he is not Venerable Mahaprajnaparamita. Venerable Damu Ganlian is known for his divine powers and is referred to as the foremost of them. However, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is not renowned for his divine powers, but for his "Great Vows" and is known as the Great Vows Bodhisattva. Among the ten disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha, there is indeed a Bodhisattva of Great Aspiration, who is not the Venerable Mahaprajnaparamita, but rather the Venerable Fulou.

Lord Fulou was one of the disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha with the highest number of sentient beings. According to classical records, as many as 99000 sentient beings were transformed by Lord Fulou, earning him the title of 'the first speaker'.

Let's take a closer look at the great vow of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva - that if hell is not empty, one cannot become a Buddha. To make hell empty, one must have a broad and compassionate heart, that is, to spread Buddhism widely. Therefore, as the "first speaker", the venerable Fulou is the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.
Is Venerable Damu Ganlian Bodhisattva the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?

On the internet, it is said that Venerable Mahaprajnaparamita is the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, either because they do not understand Venerable Mahaprajnaparamita, do not understand Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, or do not understand both. Although the venerable Fulou is not as famous as the venerable Mahaprajnaparamita, according to classical records, among the ten disciples of Buddha, he had the most sentient beings liberated, and he is the true incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

As for Venerable Mahaprajnaparamita, he was warned by Shakyamuni Buddha because he often used his divine powers to promote Buddhism. Shakyamuni Buddha said that if every disciple spreads the Dharma like Venerable Mahaprajnaparamita, then foolish people will learn Buddhism for the pursuit of divine power rather than wisdom, which will lead sentient beings astray.

In fact, in the current era of the end of the Dharma, there are too many people who study Buddhism and practice in order to obtain divine powers, rather than to gain wisdom. As a result, most people spend their entire lives in poverty, obtaining nothing and showing nothing.

The reason why so many people believe that Venerable Mahasthamaprapta is the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva may be because their understanding of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's words is too superficial. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said, 'Hell is not empty, I swear I cannot become a Buddha!' However, too many people believe that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva lives in hell, which is superficial and ridiculous. Even sentient beings in the human, heavenly, and Asura realms cannot be liberated, let alone those in hell. If you want hell to be empty, you must have a broad range of emotions, and which sentient beings in the Dharma realm are easier to attain? Undoubtedly, it is the sentient beings in the human realm, the heavenly realm, and the Asura realm who are more easily liberated. To liberate more sentient beings, one must choose those who are easy to liberate, rather than those who are difficult to liberate. As a great sage, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will not fail to understand this truth. Therefore, even though Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said, 'Hell is not empty, and I swear not to become a Buddha,' he must be harmonizing sentient beings in the three good paths, rather than going to hell.

Therefore, he does not need to use supernatural powers to promote Buddhism at all, as using supernatural powers to promote Buddhism can easily lead sentient beings astray. So, the venerable Fu Lou is the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.






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