Do you believe it? 93% of Nobel laureates believe in Buddhism
佛门新闻 2022-07-28 04:10:38 47 0
As is well known, the Nobel Prize is an international award established by Nobel's will in 1895, consisting of five prizes: the Physics Prize, the Chemistry Prize, the Peace Prize, the Physiology or Medicine Prize, and the Literature Prize! The Nobel Prize aims to recognize individuals who have made the greatest contributions to humanity in physics, chemistry, peace, physiology or medicine, and literature. In 1968, the Swedish Central Bank established the Nobel Prize in Economics to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the field of economics. As a result, there are a total of six Nobel Prize awards: the Physics Prize, the Chemistry Prize, the Peace Prize, the Physiology or Medicine Prize, the Literature Prize, and the Economics Prize.

I can't say for sure, but every year the Nobel Prize is awarded to scientists who have made significant contributions to humanity, and the prize money varies from year to year. For example, the prize money for the 2020 Nobel Prize was 10 million Swedish kronor (approximately 1.1 million US dollars), while the prize money for the 2019 Nobel Prize was 9 million Swedish kronor.
In today's era, countries advocate that people should believe in science and not be superstitious about feudalism. As scientists, they are the benchmark of people's beliefs.

However, the United Nations conducted a survey using the world-renowned Gallup poll. To investigate whether the 300 most famous scientists in the past 300 years have believed in Buddhism.

The survey results show that, except for 38 scientists whose beliefs cannot be determined, out of the remaining 262 scientists, only 20 do not believe in Buddhism, accounting for 7.6% of the total; There are 242 Buddhists, accounting for 92.4%, including almost all scientific giants who have made significant contributions to the development of science. Even more surprising is that Nobel laureates who believe in Buddhism account for 93.27%.
Do you believe it? 93% of Nobel laureates believe in Buddhism
Throughout history, too many people have believed that Buddhism is a feudal superstition. So, are these Nobel laureates all believers in feudal superstition?

I believe it may not be true, but I firmly believe that Buddhism is not a feudal superstition. There are many very famous scientists among those who believe in Buddhism, and most people have heard of them. For example, Einstein, the father of physics, once said that if there was a religion in this world that not only did not contradict science, but every new scientific discovery could verify his views, it would be Buddhism.

Other Buddhist scientists include astronomer Copernicus, father of modern science Galileo, female scientist Marie Curie, founder of the Nobel Prize Nobel, inventor of airplanes the Wright brothers, father of aviation rockets von Braun, biological expert Pavlov, and so on.

Zhu Qingshi, an academician of the CAS Member, said of Buddhism that when scientists worked hard to reach the top of the mountain, Buddhist masters had been waiting there for a long time.

Mr. Sun Yat sen, a modern Chinese revolutionary, commented that Buddhism is the benevolence of salvation, the mother of philosophy, and studying Buddhism can supplement the bias of science.

The famous German philosopher Nietzsche said: Buddhism is the only truly empirical religion in history, which regards kindness and compassion as promoting health and cannot be used for revenge.

British philosopher Russell: Among all religions, I support Buddhism.
Famous contemporary Chinese writer - Zhang Tianyi: Buddhist theories make it impossible for wise people not to believe.

World renowned scholar - Bagher: Among world religions, only Buddhism truly examines problems in life through systematic and rational analysis, and seeks ways to solve them.

I, Shengzhong, want to say that everything is caused by fate. You believe in scientists, but scientists believe in Buddhism. However, you stand up and say that Buddhism is pseudoscience and feudal superstition. This is somewhat ridiculous, do you think?






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